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The trend of the real estate and mortgage market in Italy in early 2023 was published this summer by the National Council of Notaries on the basis of surveys carried out through the Notarial Statistical Data (DSN) on the website https://dsn.notariato.it. In particular, the National Council of Notaries presented an initial survey carried out in nine major Italian cities on the following types of deeds: mortgages, subrogation, and purchases and sales of residential buildings. The cities under review are: Rome, Milan, Naples, Bari, Bologna, Turin, Palermo, Verona and Florence. The sample reveals a generalised collapse in mortgages, while the purchase and sale of residential buildings data show very different situations across the country: although nationwide the drop is 2.7%, some provinces such as Bari, Bologna, Turin and Palermo show counter-trend values, recording positive changes compared to early 2022. On the one hand, the increase of Turin (+3.26%), Bologna (+2.88%), Bari (+1.14%) and Palermo (+2.11%), on the other the drop of important cities, such as Milan (-3.74%), Verona (-1.45%), Rome (-2.09%), Florence (-5.28%) and Naples (-14.9%). In all cities, however, there was a fall in purchases and sales in February 2023, except in Turin, where transactions were even higher than in January.

The report also estimates the real estate market trend in 2023, according to the historical series of Notarial Statistical Data from 2017 to 2022. These forecasts are based on analysis and mathematical modelling of data that may not take into account uncertainties and unforeseen variations, providing indications and trends in the areas of interest; specifically, the aim was to measure the trend in real estate purchase and sale transactions and mortgages disbursed. For 2023, the market is expected to fall by 10.7% compared to 2022. The reduction is generalised on first and second homes, both from purchases between private individuals and from companies, but the data specifically show important differences.

Source: https://notariato.it/it/news/mercato-immobiliare-italiano-2023-nel-primo-bimestre-crollo-dei-mutui-in-9-grandi-citta-previsto-calo-del-107-su-scala-annuale-nazionale/


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