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Crema (CR) – North-eastern district of Crema – Former Olivetti industrial area

The project provides for the revamping of the north-eastern district of Crema, involving its three scopes:
-Industrial area, through the realization of a web application to promote the area and to attract private investments, highlighting the existing services and businesses, the available areas, and the mobility
-University area, with the project to establish a European Research and Higher Education Centre in Applied Mathematics, therefore to renovate the entire university complex and to develop its connections with the surrounding urban fabric
-The former Cascina Pierina, an area of 105.000 sqm, to be redeveloped and redefined at the service of the community.

Via Olivetti - 26013 Crema (CR)


Property types
Areas in transformation
Permitted uses
Other Functions, Industrial/logistic, Residential, Sport, leisure, events, Student House
Land area (m²)
518,000 m²
Total GIA (m²)
State of maintenance and repair
To be refurbished/valorized
Occupation status

The revamping of the north-eastern district of Crema will start from what already exists and is in function: the former Olivetti industrial area, and the former farmstead “Cascina Pierina”.
The aim is to promote not only the productive north-east district, but also every single business existing in this area, with the dual purpose to become more familiar with them in order to attract potential operators, and to carefully map the area in order to get a better knowledge of the production capital and availability of industrial buildings.

Therefore, the project provides for the revamping of the north-eastern district of Crema, involving its three scopes:
– Industrial area, through the realization of a web application to promote the area and to attract private investments, highlighting the existing services and businesses, the available areas, and the mobility
– University area, with the project to establish an international Research and Higher Education Centre, therefore to renovate the entire university complex of about 10.000 sqm and to develop its connections with the surrounding urban fabric.
– The former Cascina Pierina, an area of 105.000 sqm, to be redeveloped and redefined at the service of the community.

Crema is a city at about 43 km from Cremona, the provincial capital. It is the centre of gravity of a homogeneous area made up of 50 towns, with about 160.000 inhabitants, who move to Crema every day for schools, shopping, leisure, cultural activities, and services. 50% of the manufacturing sector turnover of the province of Cremona is generated in this area, and the economic vocation of Crema is represented by food industry, cosmetics industry, engineering industry, culture and tourism, social services.

324500 m²
23300 m²
22500 m²
9500 m²
83900 m²
Norme techniche
Catasto_inquadramento Crema1
Catasto_inquadramento Crema2
Catasto_inquadramento vista aerea Crema

The project provides for the revamping of the north-eastern district of Crema, involving its three scopes:
-Industrial area, through the realization of a web application to promote the area and to attract private investments, highlighting the existing services and businesses, the available areas, and the mobility
-University area, with the project to establish a European Research and Higher Education Centre in Applied Mathematics, therefore to renovate the entire university complex and to develop its connections with the surrounding urban fabric
-The former Cascina Pierina, an area of 105.000 sqm, to be redeveloped and redefined at the service of the community.

This property is part of the project:

MIPIM 2022

Via Olivetti - 26013 Crema (CR)


ICE - Italian Trade Agency

Request info


Crema (CR) – North-eastern district of Crema – Former Olivetti industrial area Floorplan