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Fidenza (PR) – Urban regeneration of “Parco di Attività” and ex-industrial areas

This large redevelopment and urban regeneration project includes two areas in Fidenza: Area A “Parco di Attività” and Area B “Ex Cip and Ex Carbonchimica”, available for the settlement of production activities and services.
The areas are in a strategic position with respect to Milano, Bologna and La Spezia and aim to connect the existing “functional hub” of Fidenza (Fidenza Village and Fidenza Shopping Park) and the urban center. The new investments in the area have to represent an added value for the entire Emilia-Romagna system improving the local environmental quality and creating new employment.

Fidenza uscita A1 - Fidenza (PR)


Property types
Other types, Areas in transformation
Permitted uses
Other Functions, Commercial, Industrial/logistic, Hotel and leisure
Contracts and limitations

Area A and B are already included in the Municipal Urban Plan (Piano Strutturale Comunale, comparto n.7 and 16) approved in December 2017. Implementation of the project has to be carried out through a Programme Agreement involving Emilia- Romagna Regional government, Province of Parma and Municipality of Fidenza.

Occupation status

Area A – “Parco di Attività” (443.000 sq.m of total surface)

Area for production activities and for services, in a strategic position between Milano and Bologna, aimed at connecting the existing Functional Hub of Fidenza and the urban center. 88,600 sq.m are available for new industry settlement, 800 sq.m of facilities are available for renovation.

The Municipality of Fidenza intends to give top priority to the implementation of an “activity park”, already approved in the municipal urban planning, aimed at improving the environmental sustainability and the infrastructures of the area and creating new employment opportunities.

The Activity Park can take advantage of the proximity with the Functional Hub with mainly commercial activities (Fidenza Village and Fidenza Shopping Park) boasting over six million visitors a year, and offering a quality food district and other services. The area is also going to host a factory – Colla Spa – for production and trade of Parmigiano Reggiano with a facility of 33,000 sq.m. to be completed by 2020. Close to the motorway exit, there is also an important logistics center in the Cold Food Chain, now owned by the French multinational Stef.

Area B – “Ex Cip and Ex Carbonchimica” (133,000 sq. m. of total surface)

The area A is part of a wider development project which also includes the regeneration of the areas of former CIP and ex Carbochimica. 66,500 sq.m. are available for new industrial settlement, 1,200 sq.m of facilities are available for renovation.

 The Municipality of Fidenza has acquired the ownership of these areas in 2001 (CIP) and 2005 (Carbonchimica) with the objective to carry out remediation (mainly completed)  production sites. These areas are very close to the railway station and the urban center and are intended for the settlement of new production activities with lots of various dimensions. This use classification has been already approved by the Municipal Urban Plan in 2017.

The areas are close to the A1 motorway exit and located between the existing functional hub of Fidenza (Village and Shopping Park) and the urban center, Bus lines connecti the area both with the Functional Hub and the central railway station. By 2020 a bicycle path will be also created with the support of the Region. More generally, the areas are also close to Airport of Parma and the High-speed railway station of Reggio Emilia.

The area is about 700 metres from the A1 motorway exit and is located between the existing functional pole of Fidenza (Village and Shopping Park) and the urban center, with a direct axis from the motorway to the central railway station and a bus line connecting the area both with the Functional Pole and the Railway station of Fidenza. Bus Services (0.3 km). By 2020 a bicycle path will be also created with the support of the Region. More generally, the area is also close to Airport of Parma (21.3
Km), the Freight village – Interporto (16.0 km), the Port of la Spezia (118 km) and the High-speed railway station of Reggio Emilia (1.5 – 0.2 Km (Area A – B), Motorway A1 (0.7 – 2.4 Km (Area A – B).

This large redevelopment and urban regeneration project includes two areas in Fidenza: Area A “Parco di Attività” and Area B “Ex Cip and Ex Carbonchimica”, available for the settlement of production activities and services.
The areas are in a strategic position with respect to Milano, Bologna and La Spezia and aim to connect the existing “functional hub” of Fidenza (Fidenza Village and Fidenza Shopping Park) and the urban center. The new investments in the area have to represent an added value for the entire Emilia-Romagna system improving the local environmental quality and creating new employment.

This property is part of the project:

MIPIM 2021


Public Tender Sale of full Ownership

Fidenza uscita A1 - Fidenza (PR)


ICE - Italian Trade Agency

Request info


Fidenza (PR) – Urban regeneration of “Parco di Attività” and ex-industrial areas Floorplan