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Trento – “Nuova Trento” Area

The area "Nuova Trento” is located in Piedicastello, a district of Trento close to the right bank of the Adige River, and to the city centre: 1 km from Piazza Duomo, 4 km from the exit of the Highway (Trento Sud). The area was formerly site of an important concrete factory. The pre-existing buildings were demolished in 2013: the two chimneys are the only evidence of the past industrial function.

Via Papiria - Trento (TN)


Property types
Buildable area, Other types
Permitted uses
Commercial, Office, Industrial/logistic, Residential
Total GIA (m²)
Risk profile

The area featured for over fifty years a large production site of a relevant cement manufacturer. The pre-existent buildings were demolished in 2013, therefore only the two remaining chimneys remind of the previous industrial function.
The reclamation of the area was completed in 2018. The actual project encloses the urban regeneration of this vast area located in the heart of the Alpine city of Trento, in order to provide a new life to this portion of the city based on smart and ecological aspects, as well as offering a wide range of options for multiple use, and a further building potential of 18.200 m².
At this stage the Company is developing the northernmost part, where urbanization works and the construction of a student dormitory are underway.

The challenge relates to the integration of features such as innovation, physical and digital experiences into the development of a human-sized neighbourhood of the future. Starting from the territory and in close synergy with the public administration, a Master Plan was drawn up with the aim of creating a place with a triple positive impact, close to the city centre, equipped with connections for residents, tourists and commuters. The long-term and sustainable redevelopment of a derelict industrial area will help to further raise the recognised quality of life in the city of Trento.

Land of extraordinary beauty, Trentino is a North East Italian Region located in the heart of Alps. Trento (117.314 inhabitans) is one of the top Italian cities to live in: the high quality of service and security, a safe urban environment offering many cultural activities, good professional opportunities, a dynamic economy open to innovation and also to foreign markets. The economic fabric is mainly composed of small and medium-sized businesses. The buildable zone is near the historical centre of the town, reachable with private and public transport and by foot.

The area "Nuova Trento” is located in Piedicastello, a district of Trento close to the right bank of the Adige River, and to the city centre: 1 km from Piazza Duomo, 4 km from the exit of the Highway (Trento Sud). The area was formerly site of an important concrete factory. The pre-existing buildings were demolished in 2013: the two chimneys are the only evidence of the past industrial function.

This property is part of:

MIPIM 2023


Public Tender Sale of full Ownership

Via Papiria - Trento (TN)


ICE - Italian Trade Agency

Request info