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MIPIM 2023 – Details



MIPIM – Marché international des professionnels de l’immobilier, the premier international public and private real estate event, returned to Cannes, in the Palais des Festivals, from the 14th to the 17th of March 2023, with the last edition.


ITA – Italian Trade Agency took part at the MIPIM with a numerous Italian collective. Continuity given this way to an essential participation, that characterizes the public promotional plan dedicated to real estate for several years now.

The Foreign Investments Attraction Department of the Italian Trade Agency, under the programme Invest in Italy, that is organized in cooperation with Invitalia and the Paris office and FDI Desk France, the office of ITA that promotes on the French market the investment opportunities in Italy, curated the collective participation of the following Italian Institutions and Regions that had joined the initiative: Directorate of Military Works and State Property – General Secretariat of Defence – Ministry of Defence; Agenzia del Demanio; Regione Liguria – Liguria International; Invimit SGR S.p.A.; FS Sistemi Urbani (FS Italiane Group); CDP Real Asset SGR; Italian National Council of Notaries; Patrimonio del Trentino S.p.a.; Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa Investment Development Friuli Venezia Giulia Region; Confindustria Assoimmobiliare and ANCE – National Association of Building Constructors.

The event involved in partnership also Regione Lombardia, Piemonte region and Emilia Romagna region.

On March 15th, an Italian Conference was held at the Italian Pavilion, in order to promote Italian real estate and discuss current issues related to the sector, together with Ministries, Regions and Cities from across the country, Government-owned Agencies, Associations, private companies and representative Bodies.

The offer that was presented at MIPIM 2023 included two types of investment opportunities: the first one included prestigious properties, historic buildings, with a predefined use and which can be converted into luxury properties; the second one included real estate development properties ranging from the conversion of buildings to the valorisation of building lots, with particular attention to sustainability and a specific focus on abandoned industrial areas.

The Italian Trade Agency provided a collective space with individual workplaces, hosting participants and offering them the possibility to meet and present their portfolio, available in the pavilion also through video presentations at any time during the whole event. In the pavilion, the Paris FDI Desk has carried out scouting actions and assisted participants, facilitating the meeting with possible investors.

Furthermore, the Italian Trade Agency also promoted the Italian offer through its own website dedicated to the real estate sector,, a virtual tool that allows investors to know more about the projects presented at MIPIM 2023, facilitating the exchange of information between public and private subjects and potential investors.

You are invited to visit the webpages dedicated to MIPIM 2023 on the website, where you can also view the online catalogue of the flagship projects of the Italian offer, selected for MIPIM, and also the whole real estate offer.