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Vigevano (PV) – Cittadella della Sicurezza (Public Safety Citadel)

The Municipality of Vigevano aims to aggregate into one place all functions relating to Public Safety, by creating a centre to house the barracks of four corps: Carabinieri, Polizia di Stato (State Police), Guardia di Finanza (Finance Police) and Vigili del Fuoco (Fire Brigade). The area identified for this purpose is Piazzale Longo.

Piazzale Longo - 27029 Vigevano (PV)


Property types
Buildable area
Permitted uses
Other Functions
Land area (m²)
35,000 m²
Total GIA (m²)
Year of construction
Nuovo progetto
Occupation status

The planivolumentric of the selected project deals with the concept of “Public Safety Citadel” starting with the basic assumption that the masterplan should refer to one single project, while preserving the organizational differences between the corps and the barracks in which operations take place.
Following this approach, the Citadel becomes a complex of buildings structured around the topic of symbiotic autonomy. The barracks organize their own spaces meeting at the same time the needs of internal security and protection from outside. 

The interpretation of the topic “Public Safety Citadel” in a contemporary way is conducted through the reinterpretation of traditional elements and elements still present in the barracks’ enclosures in accordance with an aggregative urban development model. The historical model of a fortified citadel entrusts to the town walls the function to separate and protect from the outside to safeguard what is inside.  However, the barracks’ enclosure, which at present is an element of division between outside and inside, constitutes a barrier with a strong environmental impact, and it is penalizing in respect of interaction with the surrounding area in an urban context.  This new point of view reinterprets the enclosure as a constitutive element of the intervention’s unity.

Vigevano is a town in the province of Pavia. It is a city of art, renowned for the footwear production, and one of the main centres in the agricultural district named Lomellina, which is known for the rice production. Famous for the wonderful Piazza Ducale, a Renaissance square in the heart of the old town, Vigevano was awarded the honorary title of “city” with a decree by Duke Francesco II Sforza, on February 2nd, 1532.

The area in question is near, to the west, the provincial road (formerly State Road) n 494, that links the town of Mortara with the town of Abbiategrasso and serves as bypass east-south for the town of Vigevano.  It is also well connected to the main boulevards and avenues which cross the north and west districts, connecting them to each other and allowing a rapid access to the old town.  The area has therefore a strategic position both at urban and provincial and regional levels, a very important feature in consideration of the fact that the barracks that will set up here shall be in charge not only for the town of Vigevano but also for the neighbouring towns.  

Corps 1: Polizia di Stato (State Police)
1686 mq
Corps 2: Guardia di Finanza (Finance Police)
1267 mq
Corps 3: Carabinieri
1214 mq
Corps 4: Vigili del Fuoco (Fire Brigade)
833 mq
Norme tecniche d'attuazione Vigevano
Dati catastali

The Municipality of Vigevano aims to aggregate into one place all functions relating to Public Safety, by creating a centre to house the barracks of four corps: Carabinieri, Polizia di Stato (State Police), Guardia di Finanza (Finance Police) and Vigili del Fuoco (Fire Brigade). The area identified for this purpose is Piazzale Longo.

This property is part of the project:

MIPIM 2021

Piazzale Longo - 27029 Vigevano (PV)


ICE - Italian Trade Agency

Request info


Vigevano (PV) – Cittadella della Sicurezza (Public Safety Citadel) Floorplan