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Lesmo (MB) – Former school complex of Via IV Novembre and old town

The regeneration project involves the redevelopment of the former school complex of Via IV Novembre and Via Manzoni in the old town of Lesmo, to make a new square and a building with destination of use residential or services.

Via IV Novembre - 20855 Lesmo (MB)


Property types
Other types, Areas in transformation, Free-standing building
Permitted uses
Other Functions, Commercial, Residential, Healthcare/Senior Housing, Sport, leisure, events, Hotel and leisure
Land area (m²)
4,923 m²
Total GIA (m²)
Year of construction
State of maintenance and repair
To be refurbished/valorized
Occupation status

The project supports the regeneration of the former school complex of Via IV Novembre to:
– Pedestrianize the old town in which it is located;
– Restore the former townhall as representative office;
– Make a central square;
– Erect a building destined to residence and services (bank and post office).
The intervention can be made in parts and in a short time, since it is compliant to the general town planning that involves also direct interventions by the Town. The project is a public initiative and involves public buildings and areas, but the intervention can be widened to involve bordering private buildings and areas.

Lesmo is a town in the province of Monza e Brianza, about 25 kilometres north-east of Milan. It is in the regional Valle Lambro Park, at about 30 minutes by train from Milan.

Public services
405 mq
Residential or compatible
1938 mq
Tertiary or compatible
2581 mq

The regeneration project involves the redevelopment of the former school complex of Via IV Novembre and Via Manzoni in the old town of Lesmo, to make a new square and a building with destination of use residential or services.

This property is part of the project:

MIPIM 2021

Via IV Novembre - 20855 Lesmo (MB)


ICE - Italian Trade Agency

Request info


Lesmo (MB) – Former school complex of Via IV Novembre and old town Floorplan