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Torino Nuova Economia S.p.A. is a publicly owned company whose mandate is the redevelopment of the former industrial area Zona A in the Mirafiori Area of Turin, which includes the UMIA1a, UMIA1b and UMIA2 lots for sale. The lots consist of paved yards and abandoned warehouses and are the subject of a project of urban-building transformation.

Corso Settembrini, 164 - 10135 Torino (TO)


Property types
Areas in transformation
Permitted uses
Other Functions
Land area (m²)
7,472 m²
Total GIA (m²)

Lot UMIA1b is part of the urban transformation project that involves the creation of a centre for training, research, and technology transfer activities to facilitate the interaction between research and production. The project started with constructing a University Centre on UMIA3 and designing a multifunctional centre with services and commercial activities on UMIA4.

Current status of the initiative:

  • 2011 opening of the academic year “Cittadella del Design e della Mobilità” (design and mobility Center) of Politecnico di Torino
  • 2016 sale lot UMIA4 to Nova Coop
  • 2022 sale lot UMIA3 – Competence to the Polytechnic of Turin for the realization of the Pole of Sustainable Mobility and Manufacturing.

The UMIA1b is assigned the intended use of “Eurotorino” – Innovative production.

The area, in the state of fact, presents itself as a part of the former industrial warehouse for “Rubber coating”. The redevelopment involves the construction of the Urbanization Works by TNE and the development by the future owner of the Lot.

The Lot UMIA1b is placed in the north-east quadrant of the wider area called Zone A, object of Urban Convention for the urban transformation, localized in correspondence of the intersection between two important roads of the City, Corso Settembrini and Corso Orbassano.

This intersection is the node subject of a functional reorganization within the project for the construction of the future Piazza Mirafiori (Square Mirafiori) that in urban-building terms is also affected by the project of the Metro station (Line 2) and that will define a new system capable of collecting and distributing the flows coming not only from the two road axes mentioned but also from the junction with the highway ring road and Strada del Portone.

Torino Nuova Economia S.p.A. is a publicly owned company whose mandate is the redevelopment of the former industrial area Zona A in the Mirafiori Area of Turin, which includes the UMIA1a, UMIA1b and UMIA2 lots for sale. The lots consist of paved yards and abandoned warehouses and are the subject of a project of urban-building transformation.

This property is part of the project:


See contact details for expressions of interest or similar

Corso Settembrini, 164 - 10135 Torino (TO)


ICE - Italian Trade Agency

Request info
