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Italian love for bricks and mortar blossoms once more

Posted: 11 August 2016

It would appear that Italians have a strong love of bricks and mortar, despite the crisis of recent years. According to a study on savings and on Italians’ financial choices in 2016 drawn up by Intesa Sanpaolo and the Einaudi research centre, with interest rates at zero buying a house or keeping money in a current account are the main choices with which Italian savers are faced.

Of those interviewed, 29% consider purchasing a house for themselves and 20% for letting. Housing is also the asset which Italians feel most competent about: 46% say they regularly find out about prices (33% for the bond market, 24% for the stock market). Real estate is still considered to be an investment which retains its value over time (25%) and this seems to be the time to take advantage of low prices (17%).

It follows that, according to the study, there are between 11 and 19% potential buyers of new homes over the next three years: 43% would like a better home, 29% need a larger house.