It has been reached the agreement regarding the national building code scheme; in fact, in its meeting of 20 October past, the Joint Conference (State, regions, autonomous provinces and local authorities) gave the green light to the adoption of the Understanding of construction-type pursuant to Regulation schematic art.4, paragraph 1-sexies of Presidential Decree no. 380/2001.
Within six months the Regions must implement the regulation scheme with its own measure (law or resolution).Starting from the regional implementation, local authorities will have six months to adopt it. Therefore, in a year the standard building code will become a reality in the several municipalities of Italy. The agreement signed in the first instance concerns the ordinary regions, and is optional for those with special regime.
The scheme of the Regulation shall consist of a model for the drafting of the regulation in the form of index the contents of which will be compiled by the municipalities, plus two annexes.Annex “A” contain the 42 standard definitions ‘uniform’ valid for all local authorities. It is the first time it adopted a “unique vocabulary” to define, for example, the “net area”, the “floor space” or even the ” height of the building. “
Annex “B”, on the other hand, lists the 118 state regulations that impact on construction, rules in the model will be recalled with special reference to Annex B. In other words, the single regulation wipes out the current babel that has been created over the years because of the “personalization” municipal. Finally there is the unique pattern, which is a guide for the preparation, and has the form of an index, it is for the municipality to fill content. Each Region will be able to add their own rules impacting on the building, and to whom the municipality will have to take into account; will, also, temporarily, change “the definitions (uniform) affecting the dimensional predictions” of planning. It will allow a small number of regions (and only as a transitional measure) not impacting volumes provided by the planning instruments. This goal can be achieved with limited intervention on the definition of ‘ancillary surface. ” The agreement, however, committed the regions to return to the original version of the definition “in its legislative and regulatory measures, to be adopted” after the agreement signed yesterday.Finally, local authorities will be able to integrate the scheme with their own measures that go beyond the common rules, for example in the field of energy performance or materials “bio”. Where the regions transpose the regulation scheme, the municipality is obliged to adopt it and if not, expired six months, standard definitions and ranking rules (state and regional) “will find direct application.” If the regions do not fit within their deadline – of course there is no sanction – the municipality can implement Regulation but is not obliged to do so.