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Treviso – Former Agricultural Consortium

The site, “the former agricultural consortium”, is located along Treviso’s bypass, just outside the 16th century walls, in a mixed commercial, residential and business district. Made up of different buildings, currently in disuse, the area is the result of multiple construction projects which took place over different periods. The surrounding area, currently with productive/commercial use, is part of an already approved integrated programme of urban and environmental redevelopment that permits the building of 37.669 m3, for residential, commercial and business use.

Via Bixio / Alzaia - 3110 Treviso (TV)


Property types
Other types
Permitted uses
Commercial, Office, Residential
Land area (m²)
10,615 m²
Total GIA (m²)
Total GLA
Volumetria realizzabile da PIRUEA: Mc 37.669 ( Mc 24.863 volumetria residenziale – Mc 12.806 volumetria commerciale/direzionale) - P.R.G.. vigente Comune di Treviso. CDU rilasciato dal Comune di Vittorio Veneto prot. 2016/10892. L’area risulta ricompresa nel Programma Integrato di Riqualificazione Urbanistica Edilizia e Ambientale - PIRUEA “Bixio” approvato con deliberazione di Consiglio Comunale n.77 del 18.10.2004 e DPGRV n. 297 del 04.11.2008, nonché disciplinato dall’art. 10 delle N.T.A. vigenti “Il presente PIRUEA è finalizzato alla riqualificazione urbanistica, edilizia ed ambientale dell'ambito di cui al comma 1. La riqualificazione dei tessuto urbanistico esistente avviene mediante: 1. Demolizione di edifici evidenziati nella tav. 3.3 aventi una cubatura complessiva di mc.48.714. 2. L'attuazione degli interventi di seguito descritti: la costruzione di edifici con destinazione d'uso RESIDENZIALE, COMMERCIALE e DIREZIONALE; la realizzazione di parcheggi pubblici in superficie (standard), e la realizzazione di un parcheggio pubblico interrato (standard); la realizzazione di parcheggi pertinenziali interrati di cui alla L. n. 122/89; la realizzazione di piazza pubblica e aree verdi a standard; la realizzazione di verde privato; la realizzazione di infrastrutture a rete; la sistemazione di Via Alzaia per il tratto tra Viale Bixio e Ponte della Gobba; la realizzazione di edilizia convenzionata per mc. 5.000; la realizzazione e cessione gratuita di n. 3 Alloggi di edilizia residenziale pubblica e relativi parcheggi pertinenziali.”
Number of units
Year of construction
1800, successivamente modificato negli anni '50 del 1900
State of maintenance and repair
To be refurbished/valorized
Occupation status
Risk profile

The property has an irregular layout and is located between Via Bixio and Via Alzaia, along the Sile River and the city walls. It consists of multiple constructions built at different times, some of which date back to the first half of the 19th century, with varied purposes: warehouses, storage spaces, offices, workshops and three residential areas, all of which were abandoned at the end of the 70’s. In a neglected state, the majority of the warehouses don’t have any form of roofing and all the entrances to the buildings have been bricked up, making access difficult. The complex is in an area of 10.615 m² and is included in the “Integrated Programme of Urban and Environmental Redevelopment” (PIRUEA), named “Bixio Area – former agricultural consortium”, subject to a programme initiated by the municipality of Treviso, the Veneto region and by the Authority for Architectural Heritage and Landscape.

The site is located near the Treviso Walls (pop. 83.772), head town of the Venetian Province with the same name (pop. 892.353), a tourist destination for its food and wine, thanks to DOC and DOCG wines, such as Prosecco, and other typical products of the area. The property borders with Via Alzaia to the south, Viale Nino Bixio to the west, the railway line to the east and private buildings to the north. The city offers noteworthy historical and artistic attractions, like Piazza dei Signori with its Palazzo dei Trecento and the elegant Loggia dei Cavalieri, and the cathedral which hosts the Cappella Malchiostro, the Pordenone frescoes and the altarpiece with the Annunciazione del Tiziano. It has excellent accessibility: the SS13 and SS53 pass through the city and there’s the A27 Mestre-Vittorio Veneto-Pian di Vedoia motorway, accessible via the “Treviso Nord” and “Treviso Sud” toll-booths, respectively 8 and 7 km away. The railway station, an importance hub, is on the Venice-Udine line and is where the Treviso-Vincenza and the Treviso-Montebelluna lines start, the closest airport is the Treviso/San Giuseppe airport, 5 km from the city centre, and the Venice/Tessera, about 26 km away.

The site, “the former agricultural consortium”, is located along Treviso’s bypass, just outside the 16th century walls, in a mixed commercial, residential and business district. Made up of different buildings, currently in disuse, the area is the result of multiple construction projects which took place over different periods. The surrounding area, currently with productive/commercial use, is part of an already approved integrated programme of urban and environmental redevelopment that permits the building of 37.669 m3, for residential, commercial and business use.

Via Bixio / Alzaia - 3110 Treviso (TV)


ICE - Italian Trade Agency

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Treviso – Former Agricultural Consortium Floorplan