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Auctions will take place on 5 October 2022 via online procedures

through the Notarial Auction Network of the Notaries National Council.

INAIL – the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work holds for sale the ownership of unassigned business real estate units, rented or occupied, belonging to the residential assets’ disposal programme pursuant to:


The Auctions shall be carried out for each Plot, each constituting one or more real estate units inclusive of any eventual adjacencies and pertinencies. ThisFull Notice of Public Auction, together with the Plots List, fully documented (layouts, photos, etc.), theList of Notaries to whom bids may be submitted, as well as the Book of Auctioning Conditions and its annexes (facsimile participation Forms) regulating the auction’s participation modalities and structure, as well as the procedures for booking any eventual visit to the assets, are made available on the official website of Notarial National Council ( and, as well as on INAIL website (, and with the Auctioneers and INAIL’s Regional Directorates.


The information related to the plots may be updated or amended via specific publication on the aforementioned websites, and it is the duty of each Bidder to review said eventual updates before submitting his/her bid.

The assets shall be held for sale in their totality, as found in fact and in law, together with any pertinence, existing facility and positive and negative easement where applicable.

INAIL hereby prohibits the duplication via any means of the publications of either the auctions or the single plots to which they refer, as well as the dissemination of the relevant documents for commercial purposes, not recognizing the intermediation activities of third parties and reserving the right to call upon the competent authorities should this prohibition be violated.


Type of Auction

The Auction consists in the submission of printed, virtual or digitalised Sealed Bids to the Auctioneer, the Secondary Notary or the Notarial Auction Network Certified one, as listed on the official websites and In the event of a single valid Sealed Bid, the Auctioneer shall assign the Plot to the only Bidder, while in the event of multiple valid Sealed Bids, the Auctioneer shall proceed with the auction with the Bidders who submitted the three highest Sealed Bids (including all eventual ties, for both the highest bid and the other two bids) and with the award of the plot in favour of the Bidder who, at the end of the auction procedure, shall have submitted the highest valid Open Bid.

The Auction shall be held in sessions of 3 minutes each, during which each Bidder may reserve a turn and submit an Open Bid of increasing value with regard to the Auction’s base price and, in the following sessions, of increasing value with regard to the highest subsequent valid Open Bid, with a minimum raised bid of € 10,000 for assets with base price of less than € 16,250,000 and with a minimum raised bid of € 50,000 for Castelnuovo di Porto’s real estate complex with base price of € 16,250,000. The Auctioneer shall proceed with confirming the validity of each increasing Open Bid and starting a new session.

In the absence of further valid increasing Open Bids, at the end of the auctioning session (3 minutes), the Auctioneer shall proceed with awarding the Plot to the highest Bidder, indicating the amount of the last valid increasing and highest Open Bid as the final award price.

Both in the absence of Bidders admitted to the Auction and in the event of their refusal to submit valid increasing Open Bids on the existing Sealed ones, the Bidder who submitted the highest bid shall be awarded with the Plot or, in the event of a tie, on the basis of the time in which the bid was submitted and recorded or, alternatively, via drawing lots.

Should no valid Sealed Bid be submitted, the Auctioneer shall terminate the procedure, declaring the Auction null (No Bidder Auction).


Guarantee Deposit: bidders shall provide a Guarantee Deposit worth at least the same amount as that indicated in the Plots List, under penalty of exclusion, as a guarantee of their bid. The Guarantee Deposit shall be provided, under penalty of exclusion, via bank draft issued by a credit institution made out to INAIL, to be deposited with the Auctioneer or the Secondary Notary to whom the Bid was submitted.


Further Deposit: the Successful Bidder shall carry out a payment to INAIL equal to 10% of each Plot’s Award Price within the essential term of fifteen days from the final award, under penalty of award revocation and final forfeiture of the initial Guarantee Deposit. The Further Deposit shall be provided, under penalty of exclusion, via bank draft issued by a credit institution made out to INAIL, to be deposited with the Auctioneer or the Secondary Notary of reference. The Successful Bidder shall have the duty to be present at the Auction or to gather information about the outcome of the Auction so as to meet said deadline.


Sales Agreement: the sales agreement may be signed also by the Notary (Auctioneer or Secondary) to whom the Bid was submitted, together with the full payment of the final price to INAIL, minus the amounts already transferred as deposits, within 90 days starting from the award date, under penalty of final forfeiture of both deposits in the event of non-fulfilment of these obligations.


Expenses and Taxes: the expenses and taxes concerning the Auction Report such as, by way of example, the expenses for stamps, accessories, taxes, duties and other fees, shall be borne completely by the Successful Bidder, as defined in point 8 of the Book of Auctioning Conditions. The aforementioned fees and taxes are to be fully borne by the Successful Bidder. Moreover, the Successful Bidder shall pay to the Auctioneer the expenses borne by the latter for the IT management of the Auction procedures for each plot. Considering that the sales agreement between INAIL and the Successful Bidder may be signed by the Notary (Auctioneer or Secondary) to whom the Bid was submitted, each Bidder shall have the right to request, upon submitting the Bid, a rough estimate of the fees to be paid, pursuant to Art. 9 of Legislative Decree no. 1 of 2012, converted into Law no. 27 of 24 March 2012. The aforementioned amounts shall be paid within 30 days from the notice of award, and the payment receipt shall be provided to the Notary tasked with drafting the sales agreement on the day of its signature.


Body’s Rights and Powers: INAIL shall reserve the power to amend, suspend and/or terminate the auction and awarding procedures at any time up to the signature of the agreement, for motivated reasons, and the Bidder or the Successful Bidder shall not be entitled to make any claim against it, notwithstanding, in the event of the termination of the auction or of the awarding procedures, the obligation to reimburse the Guarantee Deposits, as well as the expenses borne pursuant to the Book of Auctioning Conditions. The Bidder shall not be entitled to make any claim against INAIL for lost profits and/or for the costs borne for the submission of the Sealed Bid.


Please note that the award of those plots identified as rented/occupied in the Plots List must be considered provisional.

Bids shall be submitted within the terms set forth in the Plots List.


It is noted that the online procedure allows for both the usual submission of a sealed envelope and the submission of a digital or digitalised bid in accordance to the procedures set forth in the current Book of Auctioning Conditions, and that in order to partake in the Auction, the bid’s deposit must be completed upon prior appointment and within the terms set forth in the Plots List, before the Auctioneer or one of the Secondary Notaries listed officially on the official website of the Notaries National Council.

For more information, please get in touch with the competent INAIL Regional Directorates: Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Umbria; for support to the auctioning procedure, please get in touch with the Notaries National Committee via e-mail at:


