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Palermo (PA) – Former Industrial Park “Chimica Arenella”

Former industrial park built at the beginning of the 20th century for the manufacture of chemical products, located in the peripheral area of Palermo, north of the capital. The site, abandoned and unused for years, extends along the coast for a surface area of approximately 87,500 sqm and includes 14 pavilions for a volume of approximately 261,000 cubic metres; in the upstream area a football pitch, a five-a-side football pitch and four industrial warehouses can be found.

via Monsignor Filippo Pottino, 3 - 90142 Palermo (PA)


Property types
Buildable area, Other types, Historical building, Areas in transformation, Free-standing building
Permitted uses
Other Functions, Commercial, Office, Industrial/logistic, Parking Area, Residential, Healthcare/Senior Housing, SPA/Wellness, Sport, leisure, events, Hotel and leisure
Land area (m²)
87,767 m²
Total GIA (m²)
Year of construction
dal 1910
State of maintenance and repair
Poor - To be valorized
Occupation status
Partially occupied
Risk profile

The industrial park of the Goldenberg Italian Chemical Society, also known as the former “Chimica Arenella”, was built in Palermo in 1910 by German industrialists for the production of chemical compounds for the food industry.

The property, divided into a plurality of buildings, extends along the coast, presenting its older nucleus towards the sea (approximately 62,500 sqm), with a main road flanked by most constructions. Among these, the brick chimney and the water tower made of reinforced concrete stand out. Warehouses separated by masonry partitions with a gable roof can be found along the road. The two buildings on the sides of the thermal power plant and the two-storey building are of more recent construction, as well as the long warehouses with brick pillars and reinforced concrete trusses. The upstream nucleus, of approximately 25,000 sqm, presents two reinforced concrete warehouses covered with a brick-cement vault and tie rods.

The property, subject to the protection rules of Legislative Decree no. 42/2004, witnesses the advanced degradation of some buildings, on which renovation is permitted with the insertion of contemporary artefacts or with the replacement of structural elements in case of impossible restoration, always safeguarding the aesthetic identity of the historic buildings. Recent additions will have to be demolished; no new volumes can be added in free areas.

Site currently in the final phase of the international urban regeneration call C40 Reinventing Cities promoted by the Municipality of Palermo. The finalist teams of the first phase have been selected and can be expanded and enriched for the final project.

The property is located along the north coast of Palermo, in an area between the slopes of Monte Pellegrino and the Tyrrhenian Sea, in the seaside village of the same name. The main road network in the area is represented by Via Papa Sergio I, an urban section of the State Road no. 113, once the main road axis of the northern coast of Sicily. The property is approximately 5 km from the junction of the A-29 Palermo-Trapani motorway, through which one can reach the “Falcone e Borsellino” airport of Palermo (30 km away). The area is served by city bus lines 603 and 731, connecting it with the city centre. The “Palermo central” railway station, which guarantees connections with main Italian cities, is approximately 7.5 km away.

Ground floor
36159 m²
GTP Technical Implementation Rules
Certificate of Town-Planning Use Class

Former industrial park built at the beginning of the 20th century for the manufacture of chemical products, located in the peripheral area of Palermo, north of the capital. The site, abandoned and unused for years, extends along the coast for a surface area of approximately 87,500 sqm and includes 14 pavilions for a volume of approximately 261,000 cubic metres; in the upstream area a football pitch, a five-a-side football pitch and four industrial warehouses can be found.

This property is part of the project:

Reiventing Cities - C40 Project

via Monsignor Filippo Pottino, 3 - 90142 Palermo (PA)


ICE - Italian Trade Agency

Request info


Palermo (PA) – Former Industrial Park “Chimica Arenella” Floorplan